


The products we have available are sorted into five groups. Click to jump to a category or scroll down to see the whole list.  This list changes frequently, items are added as they become available and removed as they sell out.









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Farm Fresh Produce (all produce is locally grown)

      Apples: $4.00 a basket

                    $2.00 qt. box

       Cucumbers: $1.00 each

       Onions: $2.00 qt. box

Tomatoes (local): $1.00 each

Zucchini: $1.00 each



Asters (hardy) – large pot $6.00 ($5.66 + $0.34 PA Sales Tax)

Caladium - $4.00 each ($3.77 + $0.23 PA sales tax)

            Bargain: 2 for $7.00 ($6.60 + $0.40 PA Sales Tax)

Cone Flower - large pot $6.00 ($5.66 + $0.34 PA Sales Tax)

Gaillardia – large pot $6.00 ($5.66 + $0.34 PA Sales Tax)

Flowering Kale – large pot $6.00 ($5.66 + $0.34 PA Sales Tax)

Hibiscus – large pot $6.00 ($5.66 + $0.34 PA Sales Tax)

Mums (hardy) – large pot $6.00 ($5.66 + $0.34 PA Sales Tax)

Purple Fountain Grass – large pot $6.00 ($5.66 + $0.34 PA Sales Tax)

Succulents: $3.00 each ($2.83 + $0.17 PA Sales Tax)

Bargain: 2 for $5.00 ($4.72 + $0.28 PA Sales Tax)



Dollar Department: Everything is $1.00 each ($0.94 + $0.06 PA Sales Tax)

       You never know what will turn up in the dollar dept.



Asters (hardy) – $6.00 ($5.66 + $0.34 PA Sales Tax)

Cone Flower - large pot $6.00 ($5.66 + $0.34 PA Sales Tax)

Gaillardia – $6.00 ($5.66 + $0.34 PA Sales Tax)

Hibiscus – large pot $6.00 ($5.66 + $0.34 PA Sales Tax)

Mums (hardy) – $6.00 ($5.66 + $0.34 PA Sales Tax)



       Dwarf Butterfly Bush: $15.00 each ($14.15 + $0.85 PA Sales Tax)

Dwarf Limelight Green Hydrangea: $15.00 each ($14.15 + $0.85 PA Sales Tax)


Vegetable & Herb Plants:

Sorry, sold out


Seasonal Decoratives & Misc:

Corn Shocks: $4.00 each ($3.77 + $0.23 PA Sales Tax)

Gourds: $1.00 each ($0.94 + $0.06 PA Sales Tax)

Bargain: 6 for $5.00 ($4.72 + $0.28 PA Sales Tax)

Small Pumpkins: $2.00 each ($1.89 + $0.11 PA Sales Tax)

Face Pumpkins or stackables:

$4.00 each ($3.77 + $0.23 PA Sales Tax)

$5.00 each ($4.72 + $0.28 PA Sales Tax)

$6.00 each ($5.66 + $0.34 PA Sales Tax)

$7.00 each ($6.60 + $0.40 PA Sales Tax)

Straw Bales: $4.00 each ($3.77 + $0.23 PA Sales Tax)

     Watch this page. We are adding new items several times per week during the season. This list was last updated on 09/0112024. If you would like to make price comparisons, print this page.





Pricing Note - In order to make it easier for you to purchase from us we have included the Pennsylvania State 6% Sales tax in the price marked on all taxable items on the stand.


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